Discipleship is simply learning to follow Jesus. Jesus often said “Come, follow me”. He told His followers, “If you continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed” (Jn. 8:31). Jesus was the example of how to pray, and how to obey the Father. Wonderful opportunities for spiritual growth will come as you spend time with, learn from, and cultivate relationships with mature Christians.
We want to help and encourage you in your walk with God. We invite you to be part of a mentoring Bible study to show you basic truths of the Christian life.
ConnectChurch Family
The Bible describes the church as the body and bride of Christ (Ephesians 1:22-23; 5:22-33). These are relational terms that describe believers being joined to Christ.
When you receive Jesus you become a child of God (John 1:12), are given the gift of eternal life (Jn. 3:16), and are placed into the body of Christ (the church) by faith (1 Cor. 12:13). Church is a spiritual family.
Local groups of Christ’s followers (believers) gather together to be taught God’s word, to encourage each other to follow Jesus, to pray (Acts 2:42), and to worship God.
A church is people, not a place or building. The Christian life is not intended to be a “Lone Ranger” activity but is to be lived out in connection with a church family. Together, you grow to love God and each other.
A good church home will support and encourage your spiritual growth. If you don’t currently have a supportive church home, we invite you to connect with our church family.
Prayer is talking to God. People sometimes wonder, “Why talk to God when He already knows everything?” Prayer isn’t about bringing God up to date with world events, sports, politics, or even what’s going on in your life. Prayer is getting to know God and His heart.
Think of the kinds of conversations you have with close friends or family members who already know you intimately: the laughter, the banter, the apologies, and the give and take.
Jesus compared God to a loving heavenly Father who knows how to give good gifts to those who ask Him. Prayer is a time to share your heart with God, to relate to Him, to ask for provision for needs, protection from assaults, strength for trials, and comfort for sorrows.
Prayer includes thanking God for His goodness and praising God for His greatness. It's also about quietly letting Him show you yourself and transform your heart until you crave Him and His eternal kingdom.
Prayer is also a time of confession and asking for forgiveness. It is asking, forgiving, resisting, and resting.
Please, take time to talk with God – He loves you and cares about your life. He has the power to change the world and the wisdom to know when and how to use that power!
Relationships don’t grow without regular, personal communication. Please contact us if you would like us to pray with you or for you.
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