9:30 Sunday Mornings Small Groups

Looking for Bible study and fellowship in Spartanburg, SC? Connect with others and learn God’s answers to life’s questions. Our adult small groups are a wonderful opportunity to study God’s word with people like you – people who are seeking God’s direction for their lives and encouragement on their journey. Many great friendships and uplifting spiritual relationships are cultivated in our classes.
Through these smaller group settings and regular activities, you really get to know people. Come be a part of a caring church family Sunday mornings at 9:30.
College and Career-Age Singles Crossroads

Our young adults are a Bible-focused community rooted in friendship and laughter. We study God's Word together as a small group on Sunday morning. But we also gather for fellowship that includes games, activities, and hangouts.
College and career-age singles face tremendous social and cultural pressure to conform to unbiblical ways of life. But our Crossroads ministry offers Biblical direction and encouragement through this transitionary time.
Join us as we study, grow, and live as a supportive community.
Couples 18-29 Young Married Couples

Our young couples meet together for small group study on Sunday mornings at 9:30. Our first goal is to seek Christ together and grow in personal spiritual maturity.
We believe this transforms the marriage relationship since we are better able to love one another as God intended. The most fulfilling marriages are built by two people who are submitted and conform to Christ.
Come and connect with us as we seek to deepen our marriage relationships and relate to one another.
30s to 50s Homebuilders

Homebuilding in the 21st century isn't something you can do on autopilot. It takes intentionality, wisdom, and much prayer. The Homebuilders of Westgate Baptist Church understand that strong relationships and strong families require a firm foundation in Jesus Christ. We are here to support and encourage one another as we seek to build a family God’s way.
Prayer, Bible study, and regular fellowship equip us to minister to our families and help us stay aligned with God's truth.
Mature Adults Point Guards

Our goals are to enjoy God, encourage others, and lead our church by example.
As part of Westgate Baptist Church and the Point Guards, you'll gain the support of a family network and a group of friends to encourage you as you continue to grow in your faith.
These meaningful friendships will be strengthened through enjoyable activities, weekly Bible study, and service to others.
Mature Adults Discovery

We're a joyful group of "maturing" adults dedicated to God's ongoing purpose for our lives. Active and inquisitive, we enjoy a variety of teachers and topics that deepen our understanding of God, His Word, and His work in our lives.
We seek personal spiritual growth that bears fruit in our lives and touches our family, church, and community. When trials and difficulties come, we strengthen and encourage each other to meet those challenges with joy and grace.

Plan Your Visit
Get your questions answered so you feel more comfortable when you first visit us. Check out the answers to the questions visitors most frequently ask. What do people dress like? Where is available for my children? When is the nursery open? We'd like to help you with all these questions!