Today, there are more ways than ever to reach people with the Good News of Jesus Christ. We've compiled some digital outreach resources that can be used to share the gospel long-distance, to send as follow-up materials to those you've already witnessed to, or to use as a guide while you share your faith in person.
The Story
The Story video is a 6-minute video that's perfect for someone who is less familiar with the Bible, Creation, the Fall, and why Jesus came. It tells the complete story of where we came from, who we are, and why we need a Savior. The Story App allows you to swipe through the written version of The Story and share the gospel, complete with verse references.
Commission App
We recommend using the Commission App (for Apple or Andriod devices) to guide you through sharing the gospel in person. It's a great tool if you are new to witnessing for Christ or haven't done so in a while.
The Exchange
For those who would rather watch a longer video, the 20-minute Exchange Presentation is a helpful option. It will benefit those who need more than the basic gospel. The Exchange App is an interactive way to guide someone through the message of Jesus Christ.
Done: What Most Religions Don't Tell You About the Bible
If you know someone who would benefit from a deeper understanding of the gospel and the significance of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross, consider sharing the PDF version of the booklet, Done: What Most Religions Don't Tell You About the Bible.
Other Useful Resources
Another excellent gospel presentation video is 5 Questions About Eternity. It's about 11 minutes long but is a thought-provoking resource that can help people take a deeper look at their lives.
You may also find our COVID-19 Gospel Tract download helpful.