
How to Be Successful In Your Christian Life

How to Be Successful In Your Christian Life

By Staff Writer in Christian Character on Jan 6, 2024

It’s possible. Success is obtainable, but it depends on the type of success you want. Money, power, position? Accolades? Plaques on the wall? Advancement? The furthering of your own agenda? These types of human achievements are fleeting and ultimately unsatisfying. They leave you craving more and are essentially narrow-minded and purposeless. God never promises such success. But He does promise that we can live successfully when His agenda becomes ours and when His goals are...

Are You Worshipping God His Way? | Leviticus Series 1

Are You Worshipping God His Way? | Leviticus Series 1

By Staff Writer in Worship on Dec 27, 2023

Are you tempted to skip over Leviticus when it comes up in your Bible reading schedule? Who would blame you? It’s not like you’re going to remember all those details and rules. And the sacrificial system is so Old Treatment, right? You would be better off reading something that helps you grow in your relationship with God. Ever had those thoughts? Ever skipped Leviticus? But understanding the fundamental and profound truths from Leviticus can deeply impact your relationship ...

Burnt Offering: Is Your Life Dedicated to God? | Leviticus Series 2

Burnt Offering: Is Your Life Dedicated to God? | Leviticus Series 2

By Staff Writer in Worship on Dec 27, 2023

The burnt offering of the Old Testament isn’t as far removed from us today as we might think. It’s a sacrifice that cleanses you of sin, but its primary purpose is to dedicate your purified life to God. Some might say, “Sure, I live a life dedicated to God. I’m faithful to church and give my tithe regularly. I pray, volunteer, and even read the Bible some days. I’m dedicated.” But Leviticus gives us deeper insights into what a life dedicated to God requires. It’s not so much...

What Is Real Humility According to the Bible?

What Is Real Humility According to the Bible?

By Staff Writer in Christian Character on Jan 21, 2023

“Be humble.” But what does that mean exactly? Does real humility mean brushing off compliments and avoiding conflict? Sometimes, it’s characterized as having low confidence and being a “pushover”. Biblical humility isn’t self-debasement, running yourself down, and considering yourself worthless. God made no one worthless. He created us in His image, which is why He draws us to Himself through Jesus Christ. So, what does biblical humility look like and why does God value it so...

Think You Have a Pride Problem? This Is How It Affects Your Spiritual Life

Think You Have a Pride Problem? This Is How It Affects Your Spiritual Life

By Staff Writer in Sin on Jan 21, 2023

Pride. We all have it. In fact, it’s prideful to think that you don’t. And you don’t need to have a big, bad pride problem for it to affect you spiritually. If you let it creep in and settle, you’ll find it becomes a roadblock to God’s grace. Think about that - a roadblock to the free-flowing blessings and empowerment God longs to give you as His child. We all need God’s grace more than we realize. It’s favor we don’t deserve in our imperfect humanity but that becomes accessi...

How to Love God More and Increase Grace

How to Love God More and Increase Grace

By Staff Writer in Love on Jan 20, 2023

It’s not uncommon to feel spiritually lazy or indifferent. Sometimes, we let life put out our fire for the Lord, and sometimes we’ve never been on fire at all. But the good news is that if you want more of God–you can have Him! It’s possible to cultivate an intimate and passionate relationship with the living God and move beyond checklist Christianity. And it’s even more breathtaking when you realize that a deeper love for Him also brings more of His amazing grace into your ...

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